While my check book will feel the ease of having to pay out of pocket over $350 a month from private therapies not covered by our insurance, I want to make sure Emily's needs are addressed. I have seen growth, but I still see so much progress that can be made. The subject of adaptive devices used alongside handwriting has been mentioned. At what point do we refocus our goals of handwriting and concentrate on typing? After all, computers are a large part of our adult worlds. When Emily first received services, I had such high hopes. As the years have passed, I have seen how difficult the goals in the area of fine motor are for her. I also see the services she receives slowly become less and less. While I know that lack of funds is a huge part of cutting back, I also know that as she gets older, services will become scarce to non-existant. I am not at a point where I am ready to give up on handwriting. I am not ready to stop pushing her to be able to journal independently. I have heard that while some kids never learn to print, they flourish when it comes to cursive writing. I can't imagine Emily learning the letters in cursive, as it took her nearly 7 years to learn the alphabet. I am at a crossroads as to the direction that is best for her. I just can't help but think in the back of my mind...
Is this as good as it gets?
This is the best she has ever written in 9 yrs! Copied from a model about Earth Day
Thanks for reading,
Jessica, Emily is so lucky to have you as her mom...and you are so lucky to have her as your daughter! Hang in there. You are doing a great job in a tough situation. Hugs from Colorado!