
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Autism Acceptance...God grant me the serenity

            Emily(age 3) with Ma Clark 

For as long as I can remember, my grandmother had The Serenity Prayer that my aunt cross stitched, hanging in her house. I would recite the prayer at a young age not fully knowing what it meant. When she passed away it was one of the items I was fortunate enough to get. It hangs above my bed. I still recite the prayer often and love seeing it as I climb into bed every night. 

Every day I question the decisions that I make regarding Emily. A person can get lost down a very dark road trying to find answers to questions that don't have a concrete answer. We are the cowardly lion needing courage. We are the scarecrow needing our brain for wisdom. But more than anything we need peace and serenity. This is my daily prayer among many others. It is a gentle reminder to accept those things I can't change. Autism acceptance. 
Thanks for reading~